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SMS service

ECOLINES SMS service provides passengers with two convenient options: to find out precise time of bus departure to cancel journey


Using this service, you pay only for sending SMS in accordance with your mobile operator’s price table.
Time of bus departure
If bus delays and at the time defined in your ticket it is absent at bus stop – you can precise the time using SMS service. You need to send the following text to phone number +371 28448844:
<letter W> <ticket number> <security code>
W 2533935 166787
You will get the answer:
Departure time from <Riga> <16.03.2012 16:00>
If you send SMS before the scheduled departure, you can get such an answer: "Departure time – such as in ticket". It means that at the moment bus goes in time.
If you got the answer: "Bus delays. Try to precise the time later or contact the bus". It means that at the moment it is not possible to define the time of departure (for example, in case of traffic jam).
Phone number +371 28448844 is a robot, do not try to call or send SMS in free format, for example «Please, cancel journey».

Cancel journey

This service is available not later, than 1.5 h before the scheduled time of departure.
To cancel journey with SMS you need to send the following text to phone number +371 28448844:
<letter R> <ticket number> <security code>
R 2533935 166787
Possible variants of answers:
Journey cancelled. Contact your agent to get refund.
It means that the journey is successfully cancelled, but to get the refund you need to contact sales agency which sold the ticket.
If the ticket was purchased on website, the answer will be the following:
Journey cancelled. The refund will be transferred to your bank account.
The amount of refund you can find in Terms and conditions of carriage.
If it is less than 1,5 h before the departure, or bus has already departed, you will receive message:
Unfortunately! It’s too late to cancel journey...
If journey has already been cancelled, you will receive such a message:
Journey already cancelled.
Remember! Journey is cancelled only if you got the according message. If you haven’t got the message, please, check phone number to which you sent SMS, it has to be: +371 28448844. If the number was used correctly, then contact Administrator by phone +371 67315192 (Mon-Fri 9:00‑19:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-17:30).
There is short instruction for SMS service in your ticket. If you do something wrong, you can get the following answers:
Incorrect message format. Send SMS as indicated in the ticket.
Incorrect ticket number or security code.
In this case you should once more try to send SMS such as in the instruction.