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Kyiv (Vydubychi) → Minsk (Centralniy)

Ecolines Multimedia


Ecolines Wi-Fi


Ecolines 220v


Ecolines Coffee


Ecolines Conditioner


Ecolines wc


Travel Kyiv (Vydubychi) - Minsk (Centralniy) with ECOLINES buses. Comfortable seats , tablet - movies, music. WC, WiFi, 220V, drinks - coffee, tea. 2 free bags.

Services are available depending on the equipment in bus.

Bus schedule Kyiv (Vydubychi) - Minsk (Centralniy)

Bus stops

Departure Kyiv (Vydubychi):
Arrival Minsk (Centralniy):

Information about route Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy):

-Ticket price for bus Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy) in sales system by selecting the date and time of travel.
-Distance between cities Kyiv (Vydubychi) and Minsk (Centralniy)-566 km.
-Average time on road in route Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy): -.
-Time difference between the cities Kyiv (Vydubychi) and Minsk (Centralniy) - 0 hours.

Bus Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy) is equipped with the following additional services:
multimedia screens, free WiFi, air conditioning, hot drinks and meals. These services are partially available on all routes. Specify their availability and accessibility in our offices or in social networks.

You can save your time and buy ticket for bus Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy) online or in one of our offices. When buying a ticket online you have to choose the route, departure date, number of passengers and click "Search". In the same way you can check seat availability on the route Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy). Buying a ticket for bus Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy) is possible in 8 different currencies: EUR, PLN, BGN, RUB, UAH, GBP, CZK, BYN.

In order to buy a ticket for bus Kyiv (Vydubychi) — Minsk (Centralniy) cheaper or get it for free in the future, sign up for our loyalty system.

Buy a ticket for bus Kyiv (Vydubychi) - Minsk (Centralniy):

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